The above painting, which is realy nice, is not done by me. I'll try and upload some of my own soon.
It’s been awhile since I wrote in. I’ve been super busy for the last month and a half working as a background painter on “Camp Lazlo” over at Cartoon Network. Picking up a new style is always a challenge, but this time, getting used to a new paint has also been an added challenge. I’ve used many different acrylic paints (including cel vinyl), but the paint being used on this show is acrylic gouache (by Turner). It really threw me for a loop since it dries much lighter than any paint I’ve used before. Also, just when you think it has already dried, it really hasn’t completely dried. It keeps getting lighter in value for another minute or two. This is one of those paints that you really have to slow down to paint faster. Did that just make sense? The good news is that I’m starting to get used to it… Phew! I do have to say that adapting to this new paint and this style is worth it, since the established background style is really great. It is really a great looking show.