I've dived into many types of commercial art, and ironically, I'm also a scuba diver. Here you'll find posts about my art, and scuba related subjects. My hope is to meld, infuse, and entertain both sides of my world.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Spent the last couple of weeks planning, gathering material, and then constructing Foop for the Nickelodeon booth at Comic-Con. I'm surprised it weathered through the four days of Comic-Con and made it back in one piece. Branden was the man inside this walkaround costume, and everyone said he did a fantastic job being Foop. Maybe next year I'll finally make it to Comic-Con.
I grew up in a Japan that was still at the beginning of the anime and manga-driven pop culture. As a child in Tokyo, I still remember going to a promotional opening of Ultraman in a local theater. They had Ultraman (a guy in the Ultraman suit) come jumping out before they proceeded to show the first episode on the big screen. The theater was packed with kids, and it was great! I also just loved watching Japanese monster movies with the monster trampling over those model buildings of Tokyo. My career aspiration at age 8 was to become the guy in the rubber monster suit, so I can destroy all those cool looking movie sets. Also at the time in Japan, one can view some American made shows like, Sea Hunt, Flipper, Lost in Space, and Voyage to the bottom of the sea. Which explains my pursuit of art…well at least my love for scuba diving.